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Export all wrg (2005-07-22)

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Hi everyone,

In a same manner 'Do all calculations in a workspace.was' achieve all the computation in a workspace, I would like to create a macro exporting all the resource grid of a workspace. A solution would be to add a function exporting in wrg in the 'Do all calculations in a workspace.was' loop (lookliking 'Export resource grid to WRG file.was').

Since no information is available to create the macros I wonder is I can get some help from your side ?

Thanks in advance,



Hi Nicolas,

We don't have a script like that at present, but have added your request to the WAsP wish list.

The WAsP Team @ Risoe


PS. Remember that new and updated scripts will be uploaded on the WAsP web pages at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/Scripts.html.

The WAsP Team @ Risoe


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