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WAsp 12.9 showing error when inserting owc file

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Hi there,

We're having some trouble when inserting an owc file into our WAsP workbook.

It's like the system can't find the file, it could be some tiny mistake, but can't figue it out.

Thanks for your support

No se puede cargar el archivo o ensamblado 'Callisto, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' ni una de sus dependencias. El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado. raised at: 2024-03-05 19:50:08

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Exception raised in: En DataPodMeso2024:cFetcherMeso:GetNearestDataSetForLocationIfAny

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Message added: Could not determine data availablility for the location requested

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Exception raised in: En Rvea0359:cDataSource:HasDataForLocation

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Message added: Could not get mesoscale model reference data for current location

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Exception raised in: WAsP: cBaroRefDataHelper:RetrieveForCurrentLocation

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Message added: Unable to refresh the wind atlas window display

                2024-03-05 19:50:08: Exception raised in: WAsP:fWindAtlas:RefreshDisplay

                Latest thread started in: WAsP:WaspStabilityInputDataGrid:Initialise



I am not sure, but this might have something to do with the map projection. More details in my answer in the WAsP support system. 

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