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IBZ+ΔRIX correction procedure


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I'm asking about the Exercise in WR-9: WAsP in complex terrain exercise,

I couldn`t understand how to calculate  'IBZ+ΔRIX correction procedure'

plz explain.

  • 2 weeks later...

Explaining IBZ + dRIX correction procedure:

From Predicted Climate at Mast position we obtain the following parameters:
U  also called U(IBZ) in the exercise
Using the dRIX we obtain a prediction error, P, from the provided graph (in the exercise).
We apply the dRIX correction with expression: U(RIX) = U(IBZ) / (P+1)

Example: prediction of Mast 10 from Mast 6
U(IBZ) = 4.63
RIX = 13,4
dRIX = -20
P = ~21%
U(RIX) = 5.86




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