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invalid solution range

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I don't understand why this error appears. Doing the same procedure once appears and once not. The complete error message is the next:

"Exception occurred in WAT 'updateEffTurbPlot' routine while selecting sectors via drop-down list
TTurbineSite.calc>TmixedNormalRootFinder.root>zbrent>invalid solution range"

I only think that error could come from one sector with low frequency. 


Thanks in advance for your support.


Posted (edited)

The effective TI is the 90% percentile of the statistical distribution of ten-minute mean turbulence conditions. In WAT, this probability distribution is modelled as log-normal distributions for each sectors, and the error message reports a difficulty finding the 90% percentile of the mixed distribution. I think that the problem occurs for observations were some sectors have zero variance. This is incompatible with the assumption of a log-normal distribution, but I remember working with a more robust solver for a not yet released WAT version. You are welcome to send your test project to waspsupport@dtu.dk if you like me to inspect it.

Edited by Morten

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