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maximum length of time series for spectral correction method

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Hello WAsP-Team,

I tried to use the spectral correction method on a modelled time series (10-minutes for 20 years). It does not work, I guess it depends on the length of the time series. As I reduced the length of the time series to 3 years, it works.

What ist the maximum accepted length of a time series for the spectral correction method?

Do you recommend the use of the SC method for times series from mesoscale models for time periods of 20 and more years?

Thank your very much.

Best regards,


The limit on the length of the local time series is exactly three years. I am not sure why the developers introduced this unnecessary limitation - maybe they were simply proud that the method could make realistic 50-year extreme wind estimates from short time series. 

The spectral correction method actually applies a 21 year long time series of CFDDA reanalysis data with correction by a short time time series of local observations. The idea is that the local data will add fast variations missing in the CFDDA data. The corrected series (or actually spectrum) will then provide more realistic extreme values. We do not recommend to substitute local observations by mesoscale data as they typically have too little high frequency variation.

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