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Automation error while exporting .rsf


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Dear team, 

I had finished running calculations for my wind farm and tried exporting the .rsf and it threw an 'automation error' and didn't export the results. 

can you help fix this issue? 



Hi Lakshmi,

If you search the WAsP-forum (for e.g. "rsf"), you may find topic 437:

There, it is written that:


The RSF format is depreciated, partly because it has such strict fixed column widths that don't work well with modern wind farm data.

It's great to hear that you found a script to do what you need. The utility script only does one site at a time. I think we put it there really as a template example for cases just like this, so that you can create a correctly formatted RSF.

Are you able to get a wind farm calculation result, and right-click on the wind farm to do this only after the result is calculated successfully?

With kind regards,
--Dr. Mark Kelly, Wind Energy Dept., Danish Tech. University [DTU]

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