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Data access to NEWA Atlases

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We've just made easier access to NEWA (New European Wind Atlas) Microscale and Mesoscale Atlases through #doWIND, an instance of #daTap (REST API for data aggregation and subsetting):

Microscale Atlas: https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/microscale-atlas/v1/docs
Mesoscale Atlas: https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-atlas/v1/docs

Using #doWIND you can aggregate and subset data based on spatial coverage and variables. The resulting data subset is provided as a NetCDF file with rich metadata connected to wind energy controlled vocabularies.
To use #doWIND you don't need anything else than a web browser.


#fairdata #opendata #metadata #dataengineering #api #machineactionable
  • 2 years later...


I was extracting single point data using above links but now I realised that variable 'the Ice accretion on standard cylinder ' is unavailable but it used to be there earlier (a week back) .

Let me know, how I can get that variable.


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