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No Values

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Hi everyone!

So I'm trying to import my roughness shapefile into Map Editor and it always gives a message that there are lines with missing or invalid values. I originally was using my roughness file in polygon but because of left and right values I converted it to polylines. At first instant, I thought that the problem had to do with the values being in meters and
consequently in decimal cases, so I convert them to centimeters but the problem continues.

The thing is, I actually have the same problem with the altimetry one, it shows the exact message. I checked both shapefiles and I'm sure that every line has its value.

I'm new to the WAsP software so I can't really know/tell what I'm doing wrong despite having read and searching a lot about its features.

If you could give me some enlightenment it would be great.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Madelena Ferreira, sorry about your problems with the roughness shape-file input.
I cannot tell right away what is wrong - I would need to have your problematic shape-file to look at. So, could you please send me the shape-file? Just use my e-mail address olra@dtu.dk.

Ole Rathmann

Thank you for your disponibility.
But after checking everything about the shapefile I came to the conclusion that it had to do with the type of the fields that had the values.

Best wishes
Madalena Ferreira

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