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WAsP for Wind Farm Expansion


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Dear all,
We are developing a wind farm nearby an Existing Wind Farm (Expansion project, acquired from the previous owner) with taller, larger rotor WTG
We will install a measurement point for this new expansion (to measure nearer to HH and locations of the new WTGs)
However, the measurement will be wake impacted by the operating wind farm from certain wind direction sectors.

Any advice on best practices for this case?
Can we use the measurement data to create reliable WRG?
Can the wake losses from different HH (new vs existing WTGs) be modeled properly?

Thank you in advance for your inputs and advices.
  • 3 months later...
Dear Irving,
From version 12.3, WAsP will calculate a wake-reduced mean wind speed for every turbine site. I have not used this feature myself yet, but you might find it useful for your project when evaluating the influence of the turbines on the mast.

The wake losses from different turbines, with different power/thrust curves and different hub heights (HH) can be modeled in WAsP.

Hope this helps,

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