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WAsP Turbine Editor


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Hi everyone. I am also working on my research study about wind assessment using WAsP and Qgis. Can i use WAsP particularly WAsP Turbine Editor alone in calculating the AEP, or is the WAsP Turbine Editor dependent on the other tools like the WAsP Map Editor?

Thank You.

Best regards,
Hello Roella,
You can use the power curve values from the Turbine Editor to calculate AEP, if you enter the Weibull parameters (use 'Tab' after entering each) appropriate for the wind "seen" by the turbine.
However, if you do this, then you will be neglecting all of the incoming surface-induced flow perturbations—as well as ignoring variations of the Weibull parameters per sector.
With kind regards,
--Dr. Mark Kelly, Wind Energy Department, Risø Lab/Campus, Danish Tech. University
  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Roella,

The Weibull probability distribution describes the mean wind speed at the turbine position. If you have an observed time series of wind speeds at the right position and height above terrain you can fit a Weibull distribution to the data and then estimate the annual energy production by a probability-weighted integral of the power curve of all wind speeds. With a program like WAsP you can observe the wind climate at a reference mast, then use a flow model to predict wind climates at your turbine sites and finally use these turbine-specific wind climates for the AEP estimates. WAsP operates with different Weibull distributions for individual wind sectors as the relative speedup between reference site and sites of interest and the corrections for wake effects of neighbouring turbines depend on wind direction. So the AEP calculation is a more detailed than in the turbine editor. In any case the observed wind data should cover a whole number of years to avoid seasonal bias.

Best regards,

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