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Background Map - Error Message

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Good evening,

I am André, and I am using the software WAsP to evalutae my hometown's wind potential, in brazil.
I have tried to criate a scaling map, thru a .jpeg file from google earth, but the program showed me this message:

Load backgroud map error

Background map Scaling/Calibration failed
MyMap.SetMapIsChanging (FALSE):
ScrollBox_SxTrans.FildtToPix: Invalid Point

Does anyone have an Idea what can I do? What I did it worng?
I followed step by step the help tutorial.

Thank you,
  • 2 weeks later...
Dear André,
I am not sure what went wrong, but would suggest that you first make the map using the Map Editor (File > Import > SRTM ver.2 database). After that, you can add more roughness areas as described in these notes http://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/wind-resource-assessment-using-the-wasp-software-dtu-wind-energy-e0135(259e26f3-1828-4e3f-9c37-17de375cd057).html. Look in Appendix D for more information.

Best regards,

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