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wind shear for the wind farm report


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Dear WAsP community,

there is a windshear value in the report view for each turbine. I would like to see the windshear value for each turbine in the report for a whole windfarm as well. By adding the synthax command from the script for each turbine to the synthax for the whole windfarm it doesn`t work out. Do you have an idea?

Following the synthax for the windshear:
Builder.InsertClosedTableDataHeaderRowElement "wind shear (rotor area)"
If Not Atlas Is Nothing Then
If Not ts.PredictedWindClimate Is Nothing Then
' Builder.InsertClosedH2Element ("shear")

Set SourceSite = ReportingAssistant.CastableSelectedMember.AsITurbineSite
Set Project = SourceSite.AsICalculatingHierarchyMember.CalculationByIndex(1).Associates.Project

Set NewMember = Project.AsIHierarchyMember.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSite).Execute
NewMember.Description = "Temporary site for vertical profile scripting"

Set TemporarySite = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(NewMember)
Call TemporarySite.AsIWaspSite.Move(SourceSite.AsIWaspSite.Location.x, SourceSite.AsIWaspSite.Location.y)

TemporarySite.HubHeightAgl = ts.HubHeightAgl-0.5*Wtg.RotorDiameter
Set Calculator = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToCalculatingHierarchyMember(TemporarySite)
Set PredictedClimate1 = TemporarySite.AsIWaspSite.PredictedWindClimate

Set SourceSite = ReportingAssistant.CastableSelectedMember.AsITurbineSite
Set Project = SourceSite.AsICalculatingHierarchyMember.CalculationByIndex(1).Associates.Project

Set NewMember = Project.AsIHierarchyMember.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSite).Execute
NewMember.Description = "Temporary site for vertical profile scripting"

Set TemporarySite = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(NewMember)
Call TemporarySite.AsIWaspSite.Move(SourceSite.AsIWaspSite.Location.x, SourceSite.AsIWaspSite.Location.y)

TemporarySite.HubHeightAgl = ts.HubHeightAgl+0.5*Wtg.RotorDiameter
Set Calculator = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToCalculatingHierarchyMember(TemporarySite)
Set PredictedClimate2 = TemporarySite.AsIWaspSite.PredictedWindClimate

End If

I hope you can help me - I will appreciate it.


  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Windmueller,

Can you help me understand? I can't find a script which is doing this. Can you tell me the exact name of the script (file)?


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