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WAsP 11: Could not create the licence server

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* OS: Windows 10 Pro N (64 bit) - fresh installation
* WAsP: both 11.0 (C) and 11.4 (E)

* Internet access: existent (no proxy)
* Firewall/Anti-Virus: disabled

The installation (both versions) did not give me any errors. However, I am getting the below error when trying to run WAsP for the first time. The error message window is only visible when I run Wasp11.exe as admin - otherwise the splash screen flashes for a second and then the program terminates with code 0.

Same behavior occurs on another Windows 10 machine. On a third one it opens just fine without error. Not really sure what the issue here might be...

Exception report produced at 2016-01-10 21:20:03

Local exception: Could not create the licence server raised at: 2016-01-10 21:19:48
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Message added: Could not refresh the licence information
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Exception raised in: Rvea0176: cLicenceInformation:Refresh
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Message added: Could not refresh the licence status
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Exception raised in: WAsP: cLicenceInformation:Refresh
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Message added: Could not display the splash startup window
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Exception raised in: WAsP: fNoLicenceSplash:DisplayAndPerformLicenceCheck
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Message added: Could not start the application
2016-01-10 21:19:48: Message added: Please contact the WAsP team at Risø for assistance
Latest thread started in:

WAsP startup fails here as neeeded prerequisite is not enabled by default in latest Windows Operating system beginning from Windows 8.

So could you please follow this.
Run "Turn Windows features on or off" function and check if .NET Framework 3.5 is turned on. If it is not please follow these steps:

-uninstall WAsP
-enable .NET Framework 3.5
-install WAsP

WAsP should work fine now.

Kind regards,
Thank you for the quick answer! I thought that maybe a dependency was missing, but could not find anything about that on the website... Installing .NET 3.5 fixes the problem. Reinstalling WAsP was not necessary though. Thank you!
  • 6 years later...

I had this same issue but my .NET Framework 3.5 was already enabled.

I disabled and re-enabled the .NET Framework 3.5 and uninstalled and re-installed WAsP.
However, I get the same error.
What else can be done to resolve this issue?



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