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How to Make a Basic Wind Speed Estimation at Specific Region via WAsP

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As an investor, i have received a wind farm presentation which invites us to enter to share capital of the Wind Farm Project.
The average wind speed was indicated as 7 m/s. (There is no met mast)
We want to understand whether this given wind speed value is reasonable or not.
How can we do it via WAsP, basically?
Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Onder
(Note: I have Licenced WAsP 10)
Hello. I would like to point out that with only average wind speed is far not enough to evaluate the bankability of an potential investment in a wind farm, since the output(wind speed) is not simply linear distributed, but followed a more complicated model, the Weibull-Distribution, which describes all possibilities of all wind speeds, only with that model, a rough estimation for power yield is a little bit reasonable. There a 2 parameters of Weibull Distribution, with which you could calculate power output in combination of power curve of the turbine you are going to deploy, but the most important thing before that is wind measurement, there must be wind measurement data or there is no need to waste your time.
Noelane, thanks for your prompt reply. I agree with you that the appropriate metholodgy is full bankable wind energy yield assessment. But we receive couple of presentations every month. Instead of evaluating all these documents in detail, we would like to have at least a general idea regarding the wind climate about the farm in question. And then, if we deemed it is windy, we may zoom in more detai.
For instant, the last presentation we received, there is no met mast, even no 10 meter airprot values to evaluate.(It is in UAE).The maps i saw (from publicly available online web sites) show that is really windy. My goal is to mak my own semi-professional estimation without a professional bankable report which is retrived from WindFarmer, WindPro etc. by consultant companies. Thanks again.
  • 11 months later...

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