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Wasp produces a very unstable wind profile

Anna Pinter

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I tried to reproduce the energy yield at a turbine site, using .tab data and
a met mast. By doing this, WASP creates a profile with no change of wind speed with height, at all. In some heights it even gets less. The wind data is MERRA - data,
so there don't exist any inconsitencies. That the terrain is very complex (RIX around 30 %, orographic speed up: up to 50 %). I have another met mast in the same terrain,around 1 km far, with similar orographic conditions (RIX around 30 %, orographic speed up: even up to 80 %). At that other site the model calculates a "normal" profile, like it usually looks like.

Does anybody know whether I've done some stupid mistake? Or is it just the fact that WASP cannot handle steep terrain like that, and as result produces strange profiles?

It would be great if you could answere me as soon as possible, because I need to finish some project urgently.

Kind regards,
Hi Anna, so you are trying to perform an extended self-prediction. Please check that you have located your testing object - a turbine or a reference-mast at the same position as the met-mast - and of course in the same WAsP project where you have your met-mast with the tab-file, and your generalized wind climate object - and then of course with the proper digital map. Once the Generalized Wind climate has been created you gradually change the height of your test-object and inspect the resulting predicted wind to get the profile.

If that doesn't solve your problem, please contact us on WAsPSupport and attach the workspace or relevant files.


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