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I have yearly,(ten min) wind speed data of a site in excel sheet. How can i calculate weibull parameters in WASP?
How can i obtain wind rose for other site with wind speed and direction data?

No terrain information is available for the sites. I want to neglect the terrian effect and want the PDF of wind speed and wind rose for the height and location of measurement.
First you export your data as an ASCII file and import these into the WAsP Climate Analyst wher you create a Observed Mean Wind Climate (OMWC) and store this on file.
Now go to WAsP, create a generalized wind climate, specify the met mast position and provide access to the OMWC file. You need a map for the terrain data in your WAsP project even if it is totally flat with uniform surface roughness. You can create such maps with the WAsP Map Editor. After these preparations you will be able to insert turbine sites in the WAsP project and predict the wind climates for these. I recommend that you read the 'step-by-step example' in the 'guided tour' section of the WAsP help file. We also have WAsP training courses.

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