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meaning of graph in predicted wind climate (2005-12-10)

Old Forum Archivist

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Hello everybody, can anyone tell me what is the meaning of the function/graph in the "predicted wind climate- PRODUCTION" -window. I first guessed, it is the weibull density function f(u) multiplied by the power curve P(u), but the values don't fit. I am trying to find out for quite some time so it would be great if someone could help me..




ps: my version is wasp 7.1


Melanie, You are hinting at the right point. The AEP-distribution is basically the Weibull distribution value mulitplied by the production from the power-curve, both as functions of the wind speed. But then there are two additional factors: the sector frequency, and the number of hours per year (24*365.25) to get at an AEP. Remark the the unit is in fact no just MWh - but MWh/(m/s), i.e. per unit wind speed since it is the production distribution and not the total production.


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