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61400-12 Annex B flow model validation


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Has either WAsP or WAsP CFD been validated for use as the flow model to determine if a site calibration measurement can be avoided?

If so, can someone point to a reference?

Annex B of the IEC 61400-12 standard prescribes tests of the terrain around the tested turbine, and states that you can use a flow model as a substitute for site-calibration measurements when the terrain-testing criteria are only violated by 50%. When the terrain is OK you neither need site-calibration nor flow modelling. CFD models like WAsP-CFD are expected to be more accurate than linear flow models inside WAsP and WAsP Engineering. The standard has no flow model requirements, so presumably the linear models are considered adequate for the purpose. I don't know of any published work on the topic.
Thanks for the response, Morten.
The standard states 'The flow model shall be validated for the type of terrain', so this was really the point of my original question.
Any further thoughts?
Sorry, I never paid attention to that statement before. I think it is a bit vague, as we don't know the criteria for positive validation or definitions of terrain types. My only suggestion is to test model performance with data from previous site calibration test at sites with similar terrain and wind climate. You probably have to do this yourself as people are reluctant to share such data.

you can go to wasp home to download the software called WAT (wind park assessment tools ) it can help you to test the terrain according to IEC to decide whether a site callibration or a flow modelling is needed for the PCV .

a wasp engineering installasion was needed for this process .

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