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Methods behind the calculations for Resource Grid


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Currently I'm working on winderosion and like to calculate windspeeds for a given area using known met. stations and data.
Since I calculated a resource grid to generate a raster with wind speeds for the area I'm wondering which methods are used for the calculations. For the moment it's more a black box modell for me. Are there any descriptions about the algorithms/interpolations?

Would be great if someone can help me and give me links to help files etc.

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Hello, the help file is included with WAsP, you can simply look into that facility.
For more documentation on the models within WAsP, the best current reference is the European Wind Atlas book (Troen and Petersen,1989), and for the flow-model it is the 1990 conference paper by Ib Troen, "A high resolution spectral model for flow in complex terrain".

A general list of references (including the main 2 above) can be found under 'References' in the WAsP helpfile, as well as the 'DTU Wind Energy readings' section of the WAsP helpfile. Check the latter for those most connected with WAsP.
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