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Cannot open WAsP map editor


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I am running WAsP 10.2 and have recently had problems with viewing the OWC. I was given a fix am now unable to open the Map Editor facility to create and view maps. i was able to do this before adding the fix.

The error message I get states:

TgsphgAllSpheroids._Provide: Owner=GeneralProjectionSystem,
Repository not found.

I noticed another user received the same error but that was to do with using WAsP 11.

Any thoughts?

Well, Almost. I can open previously created maps but when trying to add dxf files (including ones previously added)i get a Could Not Add error with following reason:
ZValues.Assign: Cannot assign a nil to a TValueList

As I said this happens when trying to add dxf files to a new map that had previously worked in Map Editor 10. Any thoughts?


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