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Loading Roughness Grid file when starting a new oroject

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I want to load orography and roughness maps in surfer grid format seperately for a project on WAsP Eng 3.0.
However, after successfully loading orography map I couldn't load roughness map. The program automatically asks to discard the previous map (orography) and forces to use the latest loaded map.
How can I load both roughness and orography maps seperately without losing information?
Kind Regards,
In the new project dialog window, you have selected the "Use Grid Map" tab, I presume.

Then you have two selections to make: the source elevation map and the source grid map. There are separate buttons and fields for each of these. For roughness, you can choose to use a single roughness length instead of a roughness grid, but if you select a roughness grid map the single roughness length option should be deselected automatically.

Sorry, but I don't understand your description of the problem, unless you are trying to load a roughness map using the button intended for selecting the elevation map. If this doesn't help, maybe email me directly with a screen shot or something.

Best wishes,

Hi Duncan,
You're right, I selected "Use grid map" option.
The problem is that;
First I upload the elevation map, without any problems. Now, I want to load a roughness grid file instead of a constant roughness value.
When I upload the roughness grid file, the program automatically asks me three options
a) Discard the previous map, and use the last one (roughness grid is now treated as elevation map)
b) Do not load this map, use the previous map values
c) Cancel

The sentences are not exact, but more or less like this.
The result is that I am forced to input constant roughness value.
Is it not possible to load both of them?
Hope I could explain the problem
Sorry I still can't understand or reproduce what you're seeing.

I guess we need to exchange screen shots. I will email you directly to continue this discussion.

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