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WAsP model Uncertanty (2005-05-24)

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Hi, I'm a WAsP 8 user, I'd like to know if is possible to assess the model uncertainty.

I thought to apply:

- as vertical extrapolation uncertainty > the power density error associated with the self prediction error.

- as horizontal extrapolatio nuncertainty> the value of dRIX between the met mast and each wtg. In particular I'd apply the dRix value multiplied for the coefficeints as reported in

"ris-r-995.pdf" paper. But in this case I could quantify only the error in predicted wind speed and not the uncertainty in energy.

If there is someone who can give me some suggestions I'd be glad.


Hi Andrea,

I am also a WASP 8 user, my opinion is : if you have obtained the errors on the wind speed using the dRIX as mentioned in the document ris-r-995, the next step for you is to make the wind speed correction for each wtg in WAsP in "user correction" in the "turbine site" window, after that you just recalculate the new AEP for the wind farm and get from there the error on the energy prediction when applying the dRix error indicator. hope that it is helping, and waiting to hear more about that from WASP help team or other WASP users.



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