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IEC Turbulence Simulator.

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I have been trying to find the standalone program, "IECturbulenceSimulator.exe". However, the following link is no longer valid: <http://www.wasp.dk/Products/weng/IECturbulenceSimulator.htm>

Is this program no longer available?

I have also tried to use the command line program found here: <http://www.wasp.dk/Products/WEng/IECTurbulenceSimulator.aspx>. However, I receive error messages related to the input file format. The included manuals do not seem to include sufficient information or examples. Moreover, I cannot get one of the included example files, "simEx1.inp", to work.

Is the command line program, "windsimu.exe", meant to substitute the GUI version? If so, could you provide some more examples of the input file format?

Hi Matt,

The GUI version of the stand-alone program is available from
http://www.wasp.dk/Products/WEng/IECTurbulenceSimulator.aspx (not *.htm)

The command-line version is the oldest one, but we still offer it as an alternative because some people prefer to run multiple simulations from scripts. The reason why you cannot make "simEx1.inp" work is that you don't have a LINCOM output file (*.dat) feeding terrain effects to the simulation model. For this purpose I suggest to call the turbulence simulations from within WAsP Engineering.

Detailed questions on the command-line version are best adressed directly to Jakob Mann, but please bear in mind that this model is now freeware and no longer covered by the WEng license.

With best regards,

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