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Literature (2005-04-07)

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Hi everyone!

I´m Francisco Hernández from Enercon Site Assessment. I´m really interested in the physical background theory of the European Wind Atlas methodology. So, I write you to know where I can find the cited references in these manual. I have downloaded someones from Risoe web but I´m not able to find another ones anywhere (university libraries included). Maybe there is some web or address where I can order them. Among others I have specially interest in the next ones:

Rossby C.-G. and R.B. Montgomery (1935). The layer of frictional influence in wind and ocean currents. Paper in Phy. Oceanogr. Meteor., MIT and Woods Hole Oceanogr. Ins., III no. 3. 101pp.

Beyer, H.G., T. Pahlke, W. Schmidt, H.-P. Wadl and U. de Witt (1994). Wake effects in a linear wind farm. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 51, 303-318

Lettau, H. (1969). Note on aerodynamic roughness-parameter estimation on the basis of roughness-element distribution. J. Appl. Met., 8, 828-832

Frandsen (2004-. -urbulence and turbulence-generated fatigue loading in wind tubines clusters.

Perera, M.D. (1981). Shelter behind two-dimensional solid and porous fences. J. Wind Engin. and Industial Aerodyn. 8, 93-104

Charnock, H. (1955). Wind Stress on a surface water. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 81, 639-640.

I would be really gratefull to you if you can give me any information.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards

Francisco Hernández-Fillols


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