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WAsP Eng 2 and WAsP Eng 3 on one computer

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Hi Christian,

For technical reasons WEng3 and WEng2 cannot coexist on a single PC. This is similar to a WAsP9/WAsP10 incompatibility.

At the help desk we sometimes have to check problems specific for WEng2. For this purpose we use a virtual environment where all files in the WEng2 distribution is built into a single exe file. It works just fine. We have not yet discussed whether to offer this special tool to the users, but do contact us if you get an urgent need.

With best regards,
Note that WEng3 is a replacement of WEng2 and further development will be based on the new version. In my view the most important improvements are the redesigned extreme wind model and the ability to work with larger flow domains. But maybe read http://www.wasp.dk/Products/WEng/NewsInWeng3.aspx and judge for yourself.

NB: If you want to generate input data for WAT with WEng3 then you will also need a WAsP10 license.

With best regards,

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