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differences between two wind atlases (2005-01-19)

Old Forum Archivist

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When I have two masts close one to another, I can produce two wind atlases. At which point these two atlases must be similar to consider them representative for the whole region? Is there a limit in m/s in wind speeds between two wind atlases when they can be considered as completely different?

Thank you in advance


There is no specific limit beyond which two wind atlases cannot be considered to represent a certain area. Normally it is recommended to use windatlas #1 (based on mast #1)to make a prediction for the wind climate at mast #2. If the difference in mean wind speed (omni directional and in the important sectors)is more than, say 5%, then the reason for that should be investigated, e.g. poor instruments, poor calibration of instruments, non-adequate terrain description (e.g. re. roughnes). Fixing identified deficiencies one should be able to the difference down below the 5%.

The WAsP Team.


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