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Basic issue: to have a map with both Rugosity and Orography(2008-12-08

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Thanks for this forum.

I'm using Windpro to obtain the digital rugosity maps and the orography maps. So for one project I obtain two ".map" type files.

My problem is that in wasp7.2, as far as I know, only one map can be imported.

How can I overlap the rugosity and orography maps?

Many thanks for your precious help.



by "Rugosity" I mean "Roughness"... :)


Actually I select "add clipped", choose the .map to add, enter the boundaries, click "ok" and then a "Invalid floatting point operation" appears.



1.) Did you check that you are using the latest version of map editor? It is supposed to be the one with the least bugs left in it.

2.) try this: use the wasp map editor to open the roughness map. Activate the "digitize|enable digitizing" option. Add a single "dummy" line containing only height information - 1. e. orografic height 0.0! Save under a new name. Open the height contour map. "File|Add" the roughness map. Remove (!) the dummy line. Save the resulting file under a new name. This worked as a workaround for me.

Best regards

Christian Berndt



The standard procedure is:

1) Open one of the maps in the Map Editor

2) Add the second map from the file menu

It is usually a good idea to use the latest version of any software tool; a pre-release version of the latest Map Editor can be downloaded from http://www.wasp.dk/betadownloads/.

The WAsP Team @ Risø


Thanks for your help, it worked!



If you still use WAsP 7, be sure to upgrade to WAsP version 7.3. You may download this version from:


The WAsP Team @ Risø

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