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Problem with Lidar Correction Script

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to use the "LIDAR correction in complex terrain"-script. I set up a map with the locations M and L, created some heights and started the script. After the "Start?" dialogue I always get this message:

Could not invoke the script because ...
failed to execute the script LiDAR_Error.wes2 Modified: 28.04.2009 15:56:00 because ...
the system reported that:
'Index außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs.'

The last statement could be translated with "Index out of valid range" or maybe "Index out of bounds". I have no idea what the reason for this is. Can anyone help me?

Is there anything to do with setting up the Installation and Application Folders or is this done automatically? Do I have to change any path in the script file?

Thank you for your help!

Hello again,

I think I found the answer to my question for myself. In the German Version of Excel the sheets are not called "Sheet1" etc. but "Tabelle1" ...
I had to change this in the script. Might be the case for any other foreign language version of excel.

After I corrected that, another failure message occured:

Could not invoke the script because ...
failed to execute the script LiDAR_Error.wes2 Modified: 24.01.2011 12:40:58 because ...
the system reported that:
'Typen unverträglich: 'CurrentProject.AddMeasuredWind'.'

The last statement means "incompatible types".

How can I fix that?

Tank you!

I think I fixed that too. It seems to be important that no winds are defined before the script is executed. After I deleted a former defined geostrophic wind the failure was gone.

Sorry for posting so much, but maybe others have similar problems ;)

Thanks for posting the problem and the solutions (so quickly that we did not have time to contribute!). This is exactly that the forums are supposed to be about.

The guy who wrote the LIDAR script is on leave just now, but we can try to help if you have any other problems.

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