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Importing ESRI Shapefiles

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I have been trying to import ESRI shapefiles for a while, but with no success.
I am importing these files from an Australian website, which gives me the shapefiles with quite a bit of data.
However, once I try to import the data to the Map Editor, no Elevation data comes through.
Is there any way I can get around this?
I have used this data before, using a 3rd party software to cinvert the shp to dxf and then (successfully) upload it to Map Editor.
Now I no longer have access to this software, and am trying to do this using only WAsP.
you may find the files I have been using on this link:

Thank you
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Hey buddy; I am hearing about this kind of issue for the first time. I am quite interested in knowing more about it. Anyway can you post it here if you got it correct when you tried with SAGA GIS? I am looking forward to see a reply about it.
  • 7 months later...
I am in a similar situation to that above: I have at present an ERSI shapefile of Corine land uses that I plan to assign a roughness length to according to their Corine land use code. However, due to the shear amount of polygons to be attributed, doing this by hand would take too long. Therefore I plan to add the roughness in the attribute table.

According to WASP Map Editor help, two new fields should be added to the attribute table of the DBF file:

LEFT_ROUG (Left-hand roughness length in cm; integer)
RIGHT_ROUG (Right-hand roughness length in cm; integer)

Now, while left and right may make sense in relation to a polyline, when one is dealing with a polygon this doesn't make sense. Therefore I need to know which of these fields corresponds to the internal roughness of the polygon, and the external roughness. I have seen on another website a comment that says in general, LEFT_ROUG is the shape interior and RIGHT_ROUG is exterior roughness. Is that correct?
Well, if you think about it, if your polygon points are in clockwise order, then left=exterior and right=interior. And vice-versa.

By convention, Map Editor saves all polygons in clockwise order. But it can read them in either order.
Note that I said WME saves polygons in clockwise (negative) orientation. I don't know what orientation the polygons in your input file have. It's up to you to figure that out and infer what's left and what's right.
  • 1 year later...
I have heard that a single value will work too, you just need to rename the single roughness attribute to have a name of "RV" and then that will be used in the absence of separate left and right roughness values. Does this work? I have tried it but it doesn't seem to work....

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