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Many times calculating the resousce grid...


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Dear all,
i`m with Wasp9.1 and when i choose to calculate the project - it is calculating the resource grid 3 or 4 times? Is that normal, or i have something wrong in my hierarchy ??? It takes around 3 hours to calculate it at all...
There was a bug something like this, but I think it was doing wind farm calculations twice under some particular circumstances.

I have just tried on 9.01.0036 and I cannot see any behaviour like that. Can you describe in more detail what happens?
My WAsP version is 9.01.0034 running on Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. When i made some changes in the project and i select "do all feasible calculations" on my workspace it begins to calculate, but calculates the resource grid and everything else 3 or 4 times... and if my resource grid is with small resolution, sometimes it takes all night to calculate the project. Where i can download version 9.01.0036 from?
Thanks in advance!
Yordan Stoyanov
OK I see that the latest WAsP 9.1 has not actually been uploaded for public release yet. We'll push on with that. Meanwhile, I'll email you a link for downloading the latest one directly, and you can check to see if it helps with this problem.

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