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Google Earth plus Wasp


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Hi Dear Wasp Team:

I saw in serra luzia example, that the roughness is gathered by Corine layer,and i don´t know if this is making automatically from Google earth or we must digitalizated points and overlaying it.

I don´t know how much information we can obtained from Google earth to include in Wasp.

My Best Regards:


WAsP doesn't extract or use any information from Google Earth. GE is only used as a display medium to present the data which are already loaded and calculated in the workspace. Roughness and elevation data are read from the map file. If there's a mismatch with the WAsP data (aerial imagery and 3-D terrain, respectively) displayed in GE, then you will probably notice. All you can do, though, is to revise the data inputs to WAsP yourself. Does that help?


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