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open txt file for read

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I wrote a WEng script, which reads a text file with some coordinates and wind data. The user should select the file name in the Windows "open file" window.

At the moment I am using

This works, but for this command *.map files are preselected. The user has to select *.* manually.

Is there any other command to select *.* or *.txt files directly?

Is the default extension for that method really *.map or is it actually *.lib? If it's map then we've got a bug in there somewhere.

There is no method on that object (or anywhere else) to get the name of some other type of file. You could use the VBScript call 'Inputbox' to retrieve a string from the user, but that's a bit ugly.

We could add a method like this to the next WEng 2.0 release if you think it would be useful.

Thanks for the response. You're right, it's *.lib.

I think it would be a great help to have a method like
FileAssistant.GetAFileName Extension
in WEng. Extension should be a free definable string (could be "*.txt", "*.grd", "*.rsf", ...).
I've had success using the below method to get the filename of txt files. You can add your own filters to the open dialog:

'Open File Dialog ang get the filename that was picked

Dim objDialog

'Create a dialog object
Set objDialog = CreateObject( "UserAccounts.CommonDialog" )

'Filter so only txt files are shown
objDialog.Filter = "Mast Siting Files|*.txt"

'Open the dialog and return the selected file name
If objDialog.ShowOpen Then
GetFileName = objDialog.FileName
GetFileName = ""
End If

Then your filename will be in the GetFileName variable.

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