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Roughness file (2009-07-15)

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I have a .xyz file of roughness map (coordinate x, coordinate y, roughness value). If I load the file using map editor or if I create the contours and then I load contours using map editor, MapEditor read the value as elevation instead roughness value.

I have the following software: global mapper, WAsP and WAsP utility program.

Is there a way to use the .xyz file of the roughness?

I downloaded the file from dataforwind.com

Thank you



Hi Carlino, the roughness file you are trying to enter is in fact in raster format - one roughness value per grid point - whereas WasP and the Map Editor, for now, only accepts vector-map formats: poly-lines or polygons with right- and left-hand roughness values (see the WAsP Help-system for details, search for File Formats). May be Global Mapper can do the necessary conversion.


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