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Error reading DXF files (2005-07-22)

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We've got digital maps in TIF format, then perform the spacial analysis with ArcMap, with contour map in SHP format created. After this we export the SHP file to a DXF file with ArcToolbox. However, unfortunately the WAsP Map Editor 8 fails to reading the DXF file, prompting an error message says:

"Could not open ...

Reason: My Map.OpenMapFle...



DXF Autocad version NOT Supported.

Version "Autocad 2004- o- earlier should be used to...


Error occured in file-Record #22

And by the way, we are using AutoCAD version 2004.

Would kindly tell me what's the problem the happens here?

Thank you very much!


When creating the DXF-file from the ArcInfo toolbox, you should make sure that DXF-version corresponds to Autocad 2004-- -r earlier. If this is not the problem, please send the DXF-file (zipped) to WAsPSupport for diagnosis. This requires, however, that you have a valid WAsP Support agreement.


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