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create scripts (2006-04-03)

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I would like to automate some calculation with wasp in order to test sensibility. For exemple I generate few *.TAB and I want to calculate the AEP in my workspace for all those *.TAB.

Is it possible to create a script in VBA or VBS in order to command WASP, to specify that I want it to perform all the calculations?

If yes, can you give me more details (wich exptension for the file, where to save it, wich language...)

Thank you

Lea Bacchetta



I have put together a utility script which shows how to do what you want.

An Excel spreadsheet contains a list of different OWC files. The script automatically uses those to calculate the predicted AEP for some turbine sites, and writes the results to cells in the same spreadsheet.

I have emailed you directly with the script and some sample files.

We may put them up on the WAsP web site for download, but in the meantime, if anyone else would like to receive the same example material, please post a reply to this message with an email address to which I can send the files.


The script is now generally available for download at



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