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Wasp Object Model (2005-10-25)

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I´m interested to know the possibilities to use Wasp Objects to integrate wasp with other applications. I came up with a few questions:

I´m talking about COM Objects. Is that true?

Is there any documentation (object model would be nice) about the objects?

Thanks a lot



We will soon (before Christmas) make available the first 'how to' documentation for scripting in WAsP Engineering.

The same documentation will later be expanded to cover WAsP scripting too. In the meantime, it might still be of some use to those interested in scripting with WAsP because there's a large amount of information which applies to both programs.

We'll post a message here on the forum when the WEng documentation is available for download.


Well, we made the "before Christmas" deadline as promised, but unfortunately it turned out to be Christmas 2006!

Finally this documentation is uploaded. You can find it at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/WAsP.html.

Look for the link to RveaScripting.chm, and please follow the advice at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/DownloadFiles/WEng/RveaScriptingReleaseNote.html when trying to read the file: there are issues with CHM files downloaded from the internet.

This documentation is about how to do scripting in WAsP Engineering: there is not much of direct relevance to WAsP 8. Still, quite a lot of the information is applicable to both programs, so it might be useful. Even if you're only interested in scripting WAsP and never use WEng, please do have a look at this documentation and let us know what you think. Should we produce the same kind of guide for scripting WAsP itself, or would you prefer something different?


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