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  1. Dear WAsP Team, sorry to reopen an old topic but have a question regarding flow inclination: I read in another topic (below) that flow angle (tilt..etc) is calculated using simple trigonometry involving the three components of wind speed, these three components are calculated with the WAsP model similar to the old LINCOM but more advanced. Two questions: is there a way to visualize these three velocity (x,y,z) components? I thought that WAsP was using somehow IEC61400-1 Paragraph 11.2 to simulate flow inclination using the fitted plane theory, but maybe I got wrong info..right? Thanks a lot. Bepi
  2. Ah ok Duncan thanks for explanation
  3. Hi Duncan, thank you. This is most interesting. So it's WAT which calculates turbulence, not WEng
  4. Hi Morten, first thanks for your answer. Well, I was just referring to the WindPRO calculation which consists in dividing standard deviation by wind speed (both measured with anemometers) and plotting the Turbulence Intensity coming out from this calculation with wind speed. Basically as far as I can understand while with WindPRO we can handle measured turbulence in WEng we have "simulated" turbulence as it comes out with a particular terrain model (.map) and roughness, right? Giuseppe
  5. Dears, I was wondering if I can upload using WAsP Climate Analyst, the standard deviation of wind speeds which have been measured at a met-mast position.
  6. Hello all, I'm a user of Weng2.0 mainly for inflow calculation now I'm trying to model turbulence as I usually do with WindPRO. I'm used to inserting standard deviation of the wind speed along with wind speed in WindPRO and as someone already knows doing that we can get statistic report of turbulence intensity. Is it possible to do the same with WEng? Or should I use other application like Wasp Climate analyst? The "Help" says that it is possible to choose between 3 different spectral models and 3 different terrain types...but are we dealing with the actual wind speeds fluctuation we have at the meteorological mast (i.e. measured values)? Thanks in advance
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