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Thanks Duncan, The latest update to Version 11 (11.06.0028) did the trick. I am now back in the southern hemisphere and overlaying data where I should be seeing it. Cheers, Phil
Thanks Duncan, It is WAsP Version 11.06.0012. Licenced user is me. Map projection via the "Set Map Projection" dialog. Projection: UTM Proj. S. Hemisph. | Southern Hemisphere Zone: 59 Datum: WGS 1984 Thanks. Regards, Phil PS, following on from the theme above of how useful GE synchronisation is. I use it to explain the results of WAsP modelling to those who have trouble picturing the flat 2-D maps. With a GE overlay we can show where the wind is in a picture of the terrain they are familiar with. I tip the GE view to an oblique view that the viewer will recognise. It is a very useful feature for such visualisation and knowledge transfer.
Hi there, I have recently been given a new work computer and downloaded the latest version of GE. It is Version Google Earth Pro (32-bit). It is running on a computer using Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1703 Build 15063.608. When I used to project a WAsP project results onto GE in the old computer running the old GE (non-pro) and Windows 7 all worked well. Now I try to project the same WAsP model that used to work, and it now does not. Has the recent GE Pro version now not allow me to use with WAsP? Does the WAsP GE synchronisation still work or is it something i have updated? I get the synchronisation up onto GE but the hemispheres are now very wrong and my overlay from WAsP goes from an approx 41 deg south location to something up by the Alaskan coast? I am using UTM southern Hemisphere Zone 59 WSG84 in all my maps but I still end up in the wrong hemisphere. Cheers, Phil
Hi Phil, The programmer is not here today, but to save time I suggest that you already now send a mail to our help desk at waspsupport@dtu.dk Please include the map you are working with in a state where we can see the problem. If you are not able to save the map before the problem occurs, then please send some screen dumps, or maybe a video, so we can reproduce the problem here. Cheers, Morten Good morning Morten, and a happy New Year. Sorry I did not respond sooner. We have our summer holidays here in NZ over the Christmas and New Year period here and I couldn't wait to leave the office and head out into the summer so left my response till now I am back. As per your request, I have sent a word document outlining the problem via screen grabs, and I have also attached the map to this email. I hope to hear from you soon and get back on with my map editing. All the best for 2018. Kind regards, Phil
Thanks for the quick response Morten. I have turned the constant checking off and I have been able to mostly progress faster. However, now I get the following warning... MapDisplayXFrm.AnchorRoughnessLines: MapDisplayXFrm.InteractiveAnchor: MyMap.AnchorNodestarIfOK:Node#0 AbstractError. Please advise what this means and what I need to do to correct. I am trying to anchor roughness change lines after splitting and deleting unnecessary components of an added map derived from imported shape files. Kind regards, Phil
Hi there, I am importing data as ESRI shape files into the Map Editor 11 and everything I do to edit this map has to be recalculated. Every line I cut a line, recalculation, every roughness I change, recalculation. Everything mouse click almost. Very tedious and extremely slow work getting anything substantial done. Can I turn this automated recalculation process off and do some editing in peace please? Cheers, Phil
I have used the 'work-around' of transforming the 60H zone map into a 59H zone map. It has slightly skewed the map but nothing I wasn't expecting. The contours in the slight overlap once added together have matched so I am good with that. It will do as a first prospect map. I would still like to know if there is a way of adding two maps from different UTM Zones together beside what I have done. Any ideas? Cheers, Phil
Hi there, I have two mapped areas I am trying to add together in Map Editor Each map originates from the SRTM data set and I want to create one map from the two for use in WAsP. I have done two maps to remove unnecessary detail between the two areas that would have taken a lot of memory to present in WAsP. One map has the met station and the other the area of interest for modelling. The areas are from different but neighbouring UTM zones, one is zone 60 and the other is 59. Both are in H, so 50H and 60H zones. The 59H map is on the eastern side of the zone and the 60H map is on the western side of the zone. The centres of each map at are of interest are 53km apart 'as the crow flies'. When I add one map to the other, the coordinates of the added map go to the location within the zone I am adding to. That is, the coordinates from 60H are transposed into the 59H zone and so the map is not correct. How do I include the zone of the map I am adding, to the adding process so it is properly located in the final map? Cheers, Phil
Thanks for your reply Duncan, I understand now that the met stations must be included. Kind regards, Phil
Hello, I am just setting out a WAsP workspace ready to run a CFD analysis and I have a quick question regarding what the tiles need to cover. In all the examples I see for setting up the CFD tiles in WAsP CFD, the tiles obviously need to cover all the turbines over the windfarm area, but the reference station has a tile as well. Is this reference site tile necessary? I cannot find any reference in the help files or any of the literature I have found stating I need to send in data related to the reference site. I am just trying to economise on both use of tiles and internet bandwidth. I am not interested in the AEP for the reference site as I am using a reference site outside of the windfarm area. No point in sending in a tile request if I don't need to. Please advise, and I will either omit or amend a tile as necessary to my request. Regards, Phil Edit: Sorry, I was meaning the Met. Station, not reference site. Please read all "reference site" above as "Met Station".