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  1. Hi, I've tried to find where I can view (let alone copy) the Wind Farm Power Curve feature from the Reference Site, but I can't get to it. I thought it came from the reports section, but I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere. Could this be a problem from my site, or am I just blind?
  2. H, I have been trying to import ESRI shapefiles for a while, but with no success. I am importing these files from an Australian website, which gives me the shapefiles with quite a bit of data. However, once I try to import the data to the Map Editor, no Elevation data comes through. Is there any way I can get around this? I have used this data before, using a 3rd party software to cinvert the shp to dxf and then (successfully) upload it to Map Editor. Now I no longer have access to this software, and am trying to do this using only WAsP. you may find the files I have been using on this link: http://mapconnect.ga.gov.au/publicout/250K_MapSheets/64289/64289_shp.zip Thank you
  3. Pedrovozone

    air density

    Yes, I think it does sound reasonable. I am certainly sensitive to the idea of you not wanting to be held responsible for changing Manufaturers power curves.
  4. I am just reposting this from the Air Density Topic: I have used this function in WAsP and it seems to give out good results. There are, however, some limitations that I believe could be addressed. As you say, the air density will not affect the AEP on other than the power curve, so it seems this function works more like an 'alarm' for us to select the correct power curve than anything else. I believe that WAsP could easily select the power curve automatically. Going a bit further, the air density of some sites are not any of those supplied with the power curves, and so sometimes we need to adjust that to match the power curve, which is not ideal. It would be great if WAsP could just interpolate between two power curves to the air density we have selected. Finally, if you were to put in place an automatic calculated air density, you would probably need to include a provision to either calculate average air temperature on the Climate Analyst, or to actually calculate air density when there is enough data available (temperature, pressure, and eventually %HR. Both of these numbers could be translated in the file as a single number (average T or Air density) An ideal situation would be for wasp to calculate air density at each point of the map based on altitude and the average temperature, but this would probably add a whole other layer of calculations to the program. just some thoughts, hope they are useful.
  5. Pedrovozone

    air density

    Hi I have used this function in WAsP and it seems to give out good results. There are, however, some limitations that I believe could be addressed. As you say, the air density will not affect the AEP on other than the power curve, so it seems this function works more like an 'alarm' for us to select the correct power curve than anything else. I believe that WAsP could easily select the power curve automatically. Going a bit further, the air density of some sites are not any of those supplied with the power curves, and so sometimes we need to adjust that to match the power curve, which is not ideal. It would be great if WAsP could just interpolate between two power curves to the air density we have selected. Finally, if you were to put in place an automatic calculated air density, you would probably need to include a provision to either calculate average air temperature on the Climate Analyst, or to actually calculate air density when there is enough data available (temperature, pressure, and eventually %HR. Both of these numbers could be translated in the file as a single number (average T or Air density) An ideal situation would be for wasp to calculate air density at each point of the map based on altitude and the average temperature, but this would probably add a whole other layer of calculations to the program. just some thoughts, hope they are useful.
  6. Pedrovozone

    WAsP 10

    Is there any way you could link up to Google Earth, convert the grid data from shuttle to WAsP format? The Google Earth resolution looks quite good in most cases, and this would seriously reduce the lead times of getting this source of data.
  7. I have also experiencing similar issues. WAsP is overestimating AWS and Power Density by a factor of 1.4 which is a bit appalling. I have tried to sort this out using two methods: 1 - Applying user corrections to the Reference site. Speedup works ok, while turn is a world of trouble. I could not find a logical way to set the sectors to the right sides. I would then apply these user corrections to all WTG's in the region, which is a lengthy and probably inaccurate enterprise. 2 - Applying a roughness rose on the original Met mast used to do the self-prediction. By iteratively varying the z0 and matching the predicted met mast speed to the measured met mast speed, results look ok in terms of speed, but wind rose is still wrong, so this isn't a complete solution either. This is the best I have so far. Anyone else?
  8. I would like to contribute as a tester.
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