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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. Hi Kirk, I will set up a support case and contact you directly. Duncan.
  2. Hi, I'm not sure you can do this, but you would need to check with WindPro/EMD. https://www.emd-international.com/windpro/support/ WindPro uses WAsP to do some modelling calculations, but I don't know if there is a way to import files of calculated results which have been generated by WAsP. This is something that was possible in the older version of WindFarmer, but the newer WindFarmer-Analyst performs calculations directly. Duncan.
  3. Hello, Sometimes, people have trouble with this, and find that their WAsP windows which were on the second monitory are stranded in a now unavailable display space. It can be very confusing. I thought that we made some updates several years ago to fix this problem, but it's possible that these fixes are no longer working. In any case I must recommend that you make sure you are using the latest WAsP software. If you get stuck with a non-visible window, there is a trick to bring the window back. Select WAsP to be the active windows using the taskbar, or ALT-TAB. Then you can press ALT-SPACE. This brings up the window menu, and it's always visible on screen, even if the actual window is not. From here you can choose "Move". Then you can use the up/down/left/right keys to move the window around until it's visible and you can continue working with the mouse. Hope that helps. If you are using the latest WAsP in a fairly standard setup and the problems persist, please do send a technical support request and we can investigate whether it's possible to update the software again to make it more robust. Duncan.
  4. Is the problem perhaps that we started to require a projection to be specified, and in earlier WAsP you could use Lambert or any other projection? The only time we needed the projection was for Google Earth rendering, so if you skipped that you could probably keep working. Now in WAsP 12 we depend more strictly on the projection because we need to offer auxiliary data for the GWCs. I guess this is what you've found: you open an old project and we start nagging you to set the projection, and you can't find the Lambert projection there? We are working on this, but I can't give you a date for a fix, I'm afraid. If you have WAsP 11 installed, and you run the latest WAsP 12 suite installer, then 11 will be updated to the latest version, but version 11 is not installed if it hasn't been installed previously. Do you have and old WAsP suite installer including W11? If not, then email me directly and I'll send you a link.
  5. Another way to address this question is to by considering the data in the classic GWC files: the LIB format. Looking at the modelling workflow on page 584 of the EWA, we can see that there are four stages of calculation between geostrophic wind climate and the data in the generalised wind climates. To do these calculations, I think that we would need the latitude, friction velocities, surface land fractions, and heat flux parameters for stability corrections. None of these are stored in the LIB files. Instead, we do these calculations in the generalisation and then store results for standard conditions. As Rogier says, this was convenient in the past, and in practice causes only negligible interpolation errors in most cases. Note that the stability correction is applied at the very last stage of preparing the GWC. This is why the wind speed profiles in the GWC data set are not logarithmic.
  6. Hello Antoine, I'm a bit confused by your question. The set of available projections in WAsP has not changed between WAsP 11 and WAsP 12, as far as I know. Lambert is not included in the list. The latest Map Editor does support Lambert, but WAsP 12 has not yet received a corresponding update. So for WAsP work, Lambert is not yet possible. I don't think it was possible before, though. Best wishes, Duncan.
  7. Hi Kwak, I see that we were able to help you in the direct support system. We see the problem a few times per year and we don't know why it happens but we can usually get things working again. Duncan.
  8. Dear WAsP user, In August 2022, Microsoft released an update to the .NET framework (part of Windows). If this update is deployed onto your computer, WAsP will stop working. WAsP and WAsP Engineering will not start properly, usually displaying a message about a problem object not set when trying to refresh the license information. DTU has made a fix for this problem, which is included in the latest WAsP Suite installer available from our website at: https://www.wasp.dk/download/wasp12-suite-installer Running the installer will fix the problem for existing installations of WAsP 12 as well as for existing installations of WAsP 11. Please note that we always recommend to use the latest version of WAsP because it is the present implementation of our best knowledge. Please also note that we no longer support WAsP 11. WAsP 11 was supported until one year after the release of WAsP 12 in December 2017. Best regards, The WAsP Team
  9. No. The climate analyst works with wind measurement data: time series of speeds and directions. Aerodynamic roughness length is something derived from the map: it's a terrain analysis result. You need to use WAsP itself for that. Duncan.
  10. I don't think so, at least it doesn't need anything that is not included in a clean Windows installation. Duncan.
  11. ZScaler is security software, right? The Zero Trust Leader | Zscaler I hope it doesn't interfere with your access to the WAsP licence server. www.wasplicence.eu is called from WAsP using http (TCP 80) and http protocol's POST. Connectivity to the licencing service can be tested by connecting to the address http://www.wasplicence.eu/licences/test/register (It is HTTP, port 80) using a web browser. Note that if it’s working correctly, you will see a web page with this message in red text: "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." HTH, Duncan.
  12. Hello Maggie, can you send your WTG file to me (duncan.heathfield@wasptechnical.dk), and I can try to work out what is the problem.
  13. Hello, I'm very happy to hear that Morten's clever workaround was what you needed, Windfrosch. We have just made some changes to the wind farm in the soon-to-be-released WAsP 12.3, but there was no opportunity to implement support for your requirement. We will keep in mind for the future. It would be interesting to know if this is something that many users need. Best wishes, Duncan.
  14. Time goes by so fast! So many unfulfilled feature requests... This one is currently underway and will be released as WAsP 12.3 in the summer. Duncan.
  15. This message was originally posted on 2018-01-05. The text became unavailable for some reason, so I am re-posting it now. Hello automators, Happy New Year for 2018. I wonder if you all noticed the interesting news which accompanied the release of WAsP 12 last month? WAsP 12 is being released With a new licence, called the "suite" or "bundle" licence. It's different because it includes WASP, WAT and WAsP Engineering, and it's now an annual subscription. What's more, the new licence allows by default full developer access to the WAsP object model. You no longer need to buy a special developer licence. This means that if you develop some custom application or spreadsheet which uses the WAsP model Without the GUI, then you can share that with all WAsP users in your organisation - or indeed with anyone in the world. You are no longer limited to scripts executing within the GUI context. I'm aware that there is no complete documentation for the WAsP Object model API, but if you're already working with scripts, then you're most of the way there already. I'll be happy and interested to answer any questions here in the forums. We really hope that this will let people make use Of the software in new and powerful ways. Best wishes, Duncan.
  16. Hello, I've never heard of this before. Which version of WAsP are you using? I think we'll need to have your project (or at least your grid) in order to debug this. Can you email to WAsP support . As for Duncan in your message and it will be assigned to me. We'll open a support case. Duncan.
  17. Hello again Vob, Sorry again for the delay. I finally had time to look into this properly. IRveaProductionRose.SectorForIndex(SectorIndex).GrossContribution is calculated by folding the power curve with the Weibull distribution for that sector, using a gamma function integration. The result is multiplied with the number of hours in a year, and then multiplied by the sector frequency. IRveaProductionRose.SectorForIndex(SectorIndex).ProductionDistribution.ProductionForSpeed(Speed) is the probability of that speed (from the Weibull distribution), multiplied by the power for that speed (read off from the power curve), multiplied by the number of hours in a year. If I understood your message correctly, you wanted to emulate the GrossContribution but summing ProductionForSpeed for a range of speeds and multiplying by sector frequency. In principle, that will give a similar value, but in practice the emulation result will be sensitive to the integration step if you’re looking at an extreme part of the Weibull distribution and have a funny power curve. I tried to show this by doing something similar to what you reported. I made a power curve where there was uniform power delivered only between 15 and 19 metres per second. Then I applied this (with no air density correction) to a site from the Canela sample workspace. I have uploaded the workspace here http://wasptechnical.dk/Services/Redirect.aspx?token=cfcb6b96-d10d-4e49-b43b-be46f31af590 and I have put a screen shot of the site power prediction here http://wasptechnical.dk/Services/Redirect.aspx?token=d80504d7-88c8-4430-87b6-9006325c5496. I guess this is a slightly less extreme case than yours, because more of the Weibull distribution will intersect with the range 15-19 m/s compared with >19 m/s. It’s also clearer because the power curve is perfectly rectangular (if you remember to turn off air density corrections): either there is no power, or there is exactly 1MW. Let’s look at sector 4, where the Weibull A, k and f are 9.982139, 2.529297 and 0.097123 respectively. For sector 4 the gross contribution is 46483550 Wh. This is confirmed in the WAsP user interface. This is the ‘official’ answer. We can ask the production rose about the production for speeds from the sector. If we iterate from 14 to 20 metres per section we get the following yields: Speed: 14 0000000000 Speed: 15 0251475900 Speed: 16 0168905800 Speed: 17 0107288600 Speed: 18 0064389630 Speed: 19 0036474820 Speed: 20 0000000000 One can try to emulate the sector gross contribution by summing these values and multiplying by the sector frequency. In this test case, the result is 61045199 Wh. This is indeed quite different. There’s nothing wrong with the method, but the numbers don’t match because the integration step in our emulation here is far too wide at 1 m/s. This step cannot hope to capture the actual shape of the Weibull distribution as it overlaps with the power curve in this speed range. When I reduced the arithmetic integration step, the summation result started to converge with the GrossContribution result. At a step of 1/10000, the production summed to 46483685 Wh. This is very close to the ‘real’ gamma function version. Does this explain what you have observed? I think that if you have a more normal power curve - and are concentrating on a wider part of the Weibull distribution - the correspondence is closer. But when you are looking at a strange part of the distribution, and applying a funny power curve, then you can see this divergence. I hope this answers your question about how the values are calculated and that this explains why the numbers differ. If you’ve got some data that can’t be explained by this, then send them to me and I’ll run the same analysis on your numbers to check I’ve got things right. Best wishes, Duncan.
  18. Hi Vob, Sorry that no-one has responded to your question yet. I'll try to explain whatever you're seeing. To simplify things, could you maybe send me a WAsP workspace which shows the confusing data? Then I can make sure that I am answering the right question. I don't need your automation code: just tell me which property of which object you're accessing and I'll work through an explanation of the numbers. Send to duncan.heathfield@wasptechnical.dk. Best wishes, Duncan.
  19. This was WAsP 12, but AFAIK, it would be the same in earlier versions too. We have not added this code recently. Can you send me your workspace? Open a case at by emailing waspsupport@dtu.dk and ask that it is assigned to Duncan. Attach your workspace. Duncan.
  20. Hello, In the WAsP main program, the units are automatically chosen, and the value rescaled for display. I made a simple low-yield turbine and used it with a standard case, and the display changed to show kWh. Check out the screen shot here: http://wasptechnical.dk/Services/Redirect.aspx?token=838c8aec-5188-4771-9f6d-0a3f0c404b51 Is this what you mean? Duncan.
  21. Hello, Thia code is not currently open source and I am not aware of any plans to make it so. Do you hope to compile it yourself, or can you work with a compiled binary (*.so) file? There's a chance that could be available in the months ahead. Do you need to get the simulator results only, or are you wanting to build a visualisation application too? We're very keen to support new applications of the WAsP models, but it can be complicated. Maybe you should contact us to discuss this further. Email me, if you like. duncan.heathfield@wasptechnical.dk
  22. Duncan

    WAsP license

    Hi Kabit, Yes, you can rest assured that the licence will be fine. The licence lives on our licence server database. If you have lost the file we sent you to register your licence on your PC, then don't worry: we can send you a new one. HTH, Duncan.
  23. Thanks Phil. Good to know. Duncan.
  24. Hello automators, Happy New Year for 2018. I wonder if you all noticed the interesting news which accompanied the release of WAsP 12 last month? (http://www.wasp.dk/news/nyhed?id=2D6968F1-C4AC-44DA-9E6E-FBA9A6D35A3C) WAsP 12 is being released with a new licence, called the "suite" or "bundle" licence. It's different because it includes WAsP, WAT and WAsP Engineering, and it's now an annual subscription. What's more, the new licence allows by default full developer access to the WAsP object model. You no longer need to buy a special developer licence. This means that if you develop some custom application or spreadsheet which uses the WAsP model without the GUI, then you can share that with all WAsP users in your organisation - or indeed with anyone in the world. You are no longer limited to scripts executing within the GUI context. I'm aware that there is no complete documentation for the WAsP object model API, but if you're already working with scripts, then you're most of the way there already. I'll be happy and interested to answer any questions here in the forums. We really hope that this will let people make use of the software in new and powerful ways. Best wishes, Duncan.
  25. Phil, I'm delighted to hear that you find the feature so useful. Let's get it working for you again. There have been some problems with southern hemisphere information in a recent releases, and I thought that it was all sorted in the latest release. There is an updated wasp suite installer at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/WAsP12-Suite-Installer which includes a slightly newer build of WAsP 11. You could try that. If no joy, then we'll need to have a look at your workspace. In that case, email me at duncan.heathfield@wasptechnical.dk and we'll set up a support casae. Cheers, Duncan.
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