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  1. Hi Duncan.. Thank you for the answer.. We'll just stick to our 32bit windows for now then.. :) Mark
  2. Hi.. Many of the computers we are running WAsP/Weng on are 64-bit machines, but they only have a 32-bit version of Windows installed (due to IT-support reasons).. However, we are wondering which advantages an upgrade to a 64-bit windows would bring? Would we be able to operate larger maps, would we see a performance increase or what would be the expected difference? And would the effects be dramatic or marginal? Thanks.. Mark
  3. Hi.. I have the same problem.. I'm working an area near the dead sea, which surface is almost 400m below sea level, hence the Z-values are negative.. I can manually and artificially raise the level, so that everything is above sea level.. But I think the editor (and WASP/WENG included) should be able to support this.. An idea could be to replace the STOP with a warning instead, if you are worried people will do simulations without checking their map.. /Mark
  4. Thank you for your answer.. They structure of my project is as follows: Project - Wind farm - - Map - - WTG - - Turbine group (Mast1) - - - - - - Wind atlas - - - - Met station - - - - - Observed wind climate (mast1) - - - - - Map 2010 - - Turbine group (mast2) - - - - - - Wind atlas - - - - Met station - - - - - Observed wind climate (mast2) - - - - - Map 2010 etc... In my project I have 9 masts, and therefore 9 mast groups.. My point is, that for every mast i have the 2010 map added.. This allows me to change the map in the parent Wind Farm, to let simulate the flow seen by the turbines with other future maps (other forestry) This results in that I have 10 maps in the file.. (1 for every mast and 1 in the parent wind farm).. My suggestion is, as all mast uses the same 2010 map, to make a function that will allow a mast-map, so that all nine masts uses the same map, so that it is only necessary to save 2 maps to the file.. Regarding AEP calculations, the AEP for the turbines in "Turbine Group (mast1)" will be calculated from mast1 and so on.. The program works as it's is supposed to, the only thing I'm talking about is, that when WAsP has to save 10 maps to a file it takes quite a while and the .wwh will be quite big.. So the idea is, that if you only need to save 2 maps to the .wwh, the save time could be reduced dramatically.. Yours Mark Herskind
  5. Hi.. I am currently working on a project including nine masts. In this project I have forestry(/roughness) maps for 2010, 2020 and 2030.. The hassle is, that I need to add the current map (2010) for all wind-atlasses and another map for the turbines.. In all, I end up adding 10 maps to the file.. This results in a large .wwh file and, which is more annoying, a heavily increased save-time.. As the mast-map normally is the same for all masts, it would be a great feature if you could add a mast-map, that is to be used for all wind-atlasses in the project.. I should probably add, that I'm using WAsP 9, so please have me excused if the feature has been implemented in WAsP 10.. Yours Mark Herskind
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