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Everything posted by GSwan

  1. Thanks for the help. Hadn't realized WME had a separate .chm help file!
  2. Hi, I am seeking clarification on RIX values output in WAsP's resource grid. - The RIX values represent the % area of land per WAsP node which 'probably' contains slopes greater than the acceptable 0.3, yes? - At what % RIX does the model become potentially unstable? - Is the delta-RIX value relative to a given nodes surrounding nodes? Thanks for your help,
  3. GSwan

    Creating Roughness

  4. Hi All, Any advice on creation of roughness vectors in SAGA GIS or other GIS softwares? Is this something WAsP map editor is capable of doing? I'm working on relatively simple terrain with bodies of water, fielded areas, and wooded areas, would like to input the various region roughness values. Any help is great and appreciated. Thanks
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