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Everything posted by Mkevin

  1. HI, heatflux parameters can be maesured. If you have Lidar (probably sodar also) on site you can measure w' and theta'. But I think that best solution would be heigher met mast.
  2. But oreography also is an issue as it was written unfortunately stability of atmosphere (vertical montions of air parcels) was omitted and this for sure has influence upon crossprediction errors.
  3. different w'tetha' or different oreography
  4. You are right I have to buy it :) But i think that this will be not enough ;/
  5. Unfortunatelyy I don't have those four pages ;/ But, WASP has to calculate friction velocity somehow newertheless there is no place to put "measured gradient". And what with empirical stability functions? There are some assumtions in "Shear and stability in high met masts and how WASP treats it" but the content of the articel doesn't explain them ;/
  6. Dears, I would be very happy in someone could help me to solve the problem: how WASP caclulate friction velocity? (from measurements or does it solve some equations?) And second question how WASP calculates empirical stability correction function(or functions?) in order to correct wind profile from neutral conditions? Does Wasp make some assumtions or also take into consideration measured gradient of Vertical component of velocity? Thanks in advance for help!
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