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  1. Thanks Rogier, that resolves the issue.
  2. I am new to working with .nc files. I want to calculate the annual electricity production (AEP) for offshore wind turbines around Ireland based on the spatially resolved wind speed time series data from the New European Wind Atlas. However, I encounter the problem that my resulting AEP is not located correctly after I imported it into QGIS for post-processing. Here are my working steps without aiming for a correct projection and placement : 1. I download the wind data for each month in 2018 (here displayed the URLs for January and December 2018): https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-ts/v1/get-data-bbox?southBoundLatitude=50.5&northBoundLatitude=56.1&westBoundLongitude=-11.6&eastBoundLongitude=-5.2&height=150&variable=WS&dt_start=2018-01-01T00:00:00&dt_stop=2018-01-31T23:59:59 ... https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-ts/v1/get-data-bbox?southBoundLatitude=50.5&northBoundLatitude=56.1&westBoundLongitude=-11.6&eastBoundLongitude=-5.2&height=150&variable=WS&dt_start=2018-12-01T00:00:00&dt_stop=2018-12-31T23:59:59 2. I utilize a Python script with xarray to calculate the AEP with the power curve of a reference turbine: # Imports import xarray as xr import numpy as np import windkit as wk import rasterio import pandas as pd from rasterio.transform import from_origin # Constants rho_air = 1.215 # kg/m³ D_r = 240 # Rotor diameter in meters P_r = 15e6 # Rated power in Watts v_cut_in = 3.0 # m/s v_cut_out = 25.0 # m/s v_rated = 10.59 # m/s A = np.pi * (D_r / 2) ** 2 # m² # Input # Loop through each month's wind speed data files for month in range(1, 13): file_path = f"R:\...\Wind speed time series\\mesoscale-ts-2018-{month:02d}.nc" print(f"Loading wind speed dataset for month {month}...") data = xr.open_dataset(file_path) # Einlesen der Daten als xarray.Dataset print(f"Dataset for month {month} loaded successfully.") # Resample the data to hourly mean data = data.resample(time='h').mean() # Load power curve power_curve_path = r"R:\...\Reference_turbine_2032.csv" print("Loading power curve...") power_curve = pd.read_csv(power_curve_path) print("Power curve loaded successfully.") # Interpolate C_p for the wind speeds wind_speeds = power_curve['Wind [m/s]'].values C_p_values = power_curve['Power Coefficient C_p [-]'].values # Interpolate C_p for each time step and location C_p_interpolated = np.interp(data['WS'].values.flatten(), wind_speeds, C_p_values, left=0, right=0) C_p_interpolated = xr.DataArray(C_p_interpolated.reshape(data['WS'].shape), dims=data['WS'].dims, coords=data['WS'].coords) # Calculate the power output based on wind speed conditions data_cond_1 = xr.where((data['WS'] >= v_cut_in) & (data['WS'] < v_rated), 0.5 * rho_air * A * C_p_interpolated * data['WS']**3, 0) data_cond_2 = xr.where((data['WS'] >= v_rated) & (data['WS'] < v_cut_out), P_r, 0) # Total monthly energy production (MEP) for the month MEP_month = data_cond_1 + data_cond_2 # Save the monthly MEP as a separate variable globals()[f'MEP_{month:02d}'] = MEP_month print(f"Monthly electricity production for month {month} calculated.") # Sum the MEPs over time to get total monthly production MEP_01_total = MEP_01.sum(dim='time') MEP_02_total = MEP_02.sum(dim='time') MEP_03_total = MEP_03.sum(dim='time') MEP_04_total = MEP_04.sum(dim='time') MEP_05_total = MEP_05.sum(dim='time') MEP_06_total = MEP_06.sum(dim='time') MEP_07_total = MEP_07.sum(dim='time') MEP_08_total = MEP_08.sum(dim='time') MEP_09_total = MEP_09.sum(dim='time') MEP_10_total = MEP_10.sum(dim='time') MEP_11_total = MEP_11.sum(dim='time') MEP_12_total = MEP_12.sum(dim='time') # Calculate AEP without losses AEP_total = (MEP_01_total + MEP_02_total + MEP_03_total + MEP_04_total + MEP_05_total + MEP_06_total + MEP_07_total + MEP_08_total + MEP_09_total + MEP_10_total + MEP_11_total + MEP_12_total) / (10**9) 3. I save the AEP as a geotiff: # Define output file path output_file_path = r"R:\...\AEP_total.tif" # Extract coordinates and pixel size lon = data['XLON'].values # Assuming XLON is the longitude coordinate lat = data['XLAT'].values # Assuming XLAT is the latitude coordinate west = lon.min() # Minimum longitude east = lon.max() # Maximum longitude north = lat.max() # Maximum latitude south = lat.min() # Minimum latitude # Calculate pixel size based on the shape of the data pixel_size_x = (east - west) / data.sizes['west_east'] pixel_size_y = (north - south) / data.sizes['south_north'] # Get the transform for the output raster transform = from_origin(west, north, pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y) # Squeeze AEP_total to remove extra dimensions AEP_total_squeezed = AEP_total.squeeze() # Save the AEP_total as a GeoTIFF with rasterio.open( output_file_path, 'w', driver='GTiff', height=AEP_total_squeezed.shape[0], width=AEP_total_squeezed.shape[1], count=1, dtype=AEP_total_squeezed.dtype, crs='EPSG:4326', # Set the CRS based on your requirements transform=transform ) as dst: dst.write(AEP_total_squeezed.values, 1) print(f"AEP_total saved to {output_file_path}.") 4. Import the .tif file into QGIS. Overall i tried several ways to get a correct projection, placement and size of my output data. In the end I need the AEP within EPSG:2157 for post-processing. For example I tired utilizing the windkit package, as well as warping the AEP file with gdal. However, I was not able to come up with a solution. The output was either located somewhere else in QGIS or was rotated and bigger. Where in my working process is the correct place to interfere and ensure that the data is processed in the correct way. Thanks a lot and best regards Lucas
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