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  1. OK, thank you for confirming.
  2. For example, would it be valid to use the wind speedup and deflection script to do this by computing the speed up and deflection for a range of angles and then applying it in excel to my time series of met mast observations?
  3. Thank you for your comments. To clarify: I am not trying to use multiple met masts in WAsP. I am trying to compute, for a time series of wind speeds from a single met mast, the predicted time series of equivalent wind speeds at each of my turbine locations.
  4. I am new to WAsP/WEng/WCA/WAT - I have tried to do my due diligence but apologies if I have missed something obvious: Amongst all of the tools in the WAsP bundle, is there a way to enter a time series of observed wind speeds at a particular met mast and extract the equivalent estimated wind speeds at each of the turbine locations? I am aware that I can load a time series of wind data into the WAsP climate analyser, extract a generalized climate, and then translate that climate to my turbine locations. I am also aware that I can enter a single wind speed and direction in WEng in order to obtain the predicted wind speeds at each of my turbine locations for that value. Essentially I just want to do that but for a large number of wind speeds and directions at once. Thank you for any guidance that you can provide, Heather
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