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Pablo Faúndez

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Everything posted by Pablo Faúndez

  1. Hello, I am making a big "mosaic" consisting of fifteen 2x2 km CFD tiles. The mosaic does not have a rectangular shape. Nevertheless, Windfarmer uses WRG files which are rectangular in shape. Should I create within Wasp fifteen 2x2 km WRGs to feed into Windfarmer? Or, Will WAsP allow me to create a single rectangular WRG although not all the area will be covered with CFD results? Additional info: All my turbines will be placed within CFD results area, which is guaranteed through appropriate windfarm boundaries set out within Windfarmer. Thanks very much!
  2. Hi Rogier, Thanks for your answer and links to the articles. So I presume WAsP uses the speedups at different fixed heights from the cfdres files in order to get a better log profile and a better estimate of the geostrophic wind than with the IBZ model. Is this correct? Thanks!
  3. Hello, I need a wind resource grid (wrg) at 112m high (turbine hub height) as an input to Windfarmer. Wasp CFD calculates wind resource at fixed heights (5, 10, 20, 33, 48, 65, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250 and 300 m). How is the mathematical process of interpolation from these fixed heights to the required wrg height within Wasp CFD? Thanks!
  4. Thanks very much Morten, the dummy roughness line works perfectly.
  5. Hello, I downloaded elevation data from GWA map warehouse for a coastal site, using Map Editor 12.4. It seems that the program is truncating the map extension to areas of existing contour lines on the continent. The coast I am dealing with is the Pacific Ocean so I have 1000s of km without contours in that direction. This truncation effectively reduces the distance to the map border recommended for modeling with WaSP (modelling height x 100). Should I worry or try to fix this manually (eg. creating a small contour line say 10km off the coast)? Or am I skipping some step when downlading elevation data? Thanks very much!
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