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  1. Thank you so much for the update. Your response was very helful to us. My understanding is weibull_combined function in https://docs.wasp.dk/windkit/_modules/windkit/weibull_wind_climate.html#weibull_combined gives us the sector combined shape and scale values along with that it calculates the 1st and 3rd moments. These are calculated by taking the sectowise A and k and sectowise wind frequency. I have few questions. I hope you would be kind enough to answer them. 1. What is in resource file? Is sectorwise A, k and wdfreq already present in resource file ? From where do we get the resource file ? 2. How is sectorwise A and k and sectorwise wind frequency calculated ? Is it provided by meterological stations directly? Do they have any software to calculate this? I tried to understand how this is calculated by referring to "European wind atlas" but was not able to get a clear picture of it. Thanks, Arya
  2. Thanks that was helpful. How is sectorwise A and k's, first and third moments calculated by NEWA
  3. Thank you so much. I was specifically looking for the calculation of weib_A_combined and weib_k_combined values which is obtained from downloading the wind data from Microscale API https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/microscale-atlas/v1/get-data-bbox. Do they use https://docs.wasp.dk/windkit/_modules/windkit/weibull.html#_fit_wasp_m1_m3_fgtm as well for the calculation of weib_A_combined and weib_k_combined ?
  4. Hello Team, I was not able to find anywhere which method is used to calculate the weibull parameters A and k. Can anyone confirm the method of weibull estimation used and whether there are any special approaches taken by WASP in the estimation?
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