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Rainer Cordsen

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  1. update to the second point: Now it calculates the eff. TI. Don't know why, I changend nothing? Perhaps waiting one hour solved the problem 😉 The first problem is still there, the Grid Data disappears when adding site groups to WAT.
  2. Hi, I have problems with WAT: 1. when I 'prepare data for WAT' in WEng and open it directly in WAT, it opens and all is fine so far. But in the next step, when I prepare data for WAT for different sites/hubheights and save it in Excel and then import in in WAT (add more WAsP/WEng results), the Terrain Grid Data Object disappears and I just have the two sitegroups. There are Turbulence results in the result window, but I'm afraid that they don't consider the terrain height anymore? When I export the Terrain Grid Map from WEng and import it in WAT, it is shown outside the Project 'folder'. If I try to drag&drop it to the project, I get an error message (EAccess Violation occured...) 2. When I prepare both sites/heights as Excel files and try to import them in a blank WAT project, no effective Turbulence Ieff is calculated, it only shows 'NAN's in the Eff. turbulence table resp. the 'Ieff,site' column. Also there, I cannot add a terrain grid map to the project, see above. Am I missing something? How can I calculate the eff. Turb. Intensity when starting the WAT project from scratch? Best Regards, Rainer Cordsen
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