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Ari Bronstein

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  1. Would someone care to post a link to the "Technical reference | WAsP file formats" help page? It seems that the WAsP page has changed since this posting and I can't find this information.
  2. Hi guys, You can do this through GlobalMapper. There is a WAsP MAP export option under export vector data. It will export any lines or areas you have active, meaning that you would want to make sure only your height contours and roughness area shapes are active on the screen when you export. To make roughnesses work, you have to go into the attributes of each area you're interested in exporting and make sure they have the following properties: ROUGH_L and ROUGH_R. Set the roughness values accordingly (in meters). In general, I think left is the shape interior and right is exterior, but you should check this in Map Editor and adjust as needed. One caveat though: don't attempt this with roughness areas that cross the boundaries of other roughness areas, because GlobalMapper does not change the roughness values at intersections (i.e., if your lake is 50% inside a forest and 50% inside farmland, you can choose an exterior roughness of either 0.5m or 0.03m, but either way you'll encounter errors). Hope this helps!
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