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  1. You're right, thank you!
  2. Hi! I've been trying to create a roughness map using the WAsP scripting plug-in for QGIS (it used to work perfectly) and I keep getting this error message when getting the CORINE landcover polygons: Querying the URL 'https://api.globalwindatlas.info/qgis-data/v1/corine_2018?points_str=-4.915092816615868,42.65048975312536;-4.914362396203785,42.64997445201428;-4.901231231263719,42.21718162357918;-4.90192475126123,42.21664257303623;-5.48401315512234,42.20550918092915;-5.4847427626322895,42.206020900137226;-5.501895032585442,42.638644324206716;-5.50120232641207,42.63918695661474;-4.915092816615868,42.65048975312536' did not return a valid GeoJSON object! I think it's related to the API but I've no idea how to fix it. Any suggestions, please? Thank you in advance, Lidia:)
  3. Hello! I used to think that WAsP always gives output in the form of annual production (AEP), but I've been told that it is possible to proccess that output and obtain an hourly profile of production. I know that this is a post-WAsP calculation but I could really used some help either to calculate month hourly distribution (24x12 hours) or yearly hourly distribution (8760 hours). Thank you!
  4. Hello, While trying different things to fix the issue I´ve discovered a solution that might be useful for future users: Settings > Display > Multiple displays > uncheck: "Remember wind locations based on monitor conection" This seems to have worked. Thank you for your reply!
  5. Good morning, I usually work with a second screen and use WAsP or WAsP satellite programs indistinctavely between the two. I´ve come to realise that the programs aren´t aware that I do so (I hope that makes sense). So when I move to work with a single screen, the programs that were open in the second screen are still there, even if the second screen doesn´t exist. It would be great if the program would automatically jump to the primary screen when the second one is unplugged. Thank you for your attention!
  6. Lidia

    WAsP 12 Losses

    Good morning, I would like to gain a better understanding of the losses that WAsP takes into account. I know that there's the wake effect but what are the rest? And What models to you use to calculate them? Thank you in advance 🙂 Lidia N
  7. Lidia

    Wind farm report

    Great, thank you!
  8. Lidia

    Wind farm report

    Good afternoon! I was taking a look into the reports that can be generated from different elemens in the hierarchy, and within the wind farm one there are a few concepts I don't understand. Especifically I want to know the difference between MWh (free) and MWh (Park 2), and what the efficiency in each sector reffers to. If this information is already provided elsewhere I'd be content with that I just haven´t been able to find it. 🙂 Thank you!
  9. Hi I have a very simple question: what reference system does WAsP use for wind direction? I want to use wind data that comes in a u & v component format but I'm not sure of how to meassure the direction of the wind. I always assumed it was 0º for wind coming from the west and 90º for wind coming from the south (like your usual mathematical angles). But then I thought it may use the 'meteorological' angles; 0º for north winds and 90º for east winds (?). Can someone confirm which one is it? Thank you!!
  10. Thank you both so much, especially the WAsP scripts plugins, they work like a charm!
  11. Hello! I was working on a project but I keep being unable to upload my vector map. The map includes roughness and orography information and I believe it's the roughness that's causing the problems. This is the error message shown: '?' doesn't look like part of a number. raised at: 2023-02-16 09:33:56 Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:mParsingTools:AssertNumeric Message added: Could not extract numbers from a string expected to contain only US/UK format numbers: '0.1000 ? 13' Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:mParsingTools:ExtractNumbersFromString Message added: Failed when reading body of an ASCII map file Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:cVectorMapMapFilter:ReadFileBodyASCII Message added: Could not restore a vector map from map file Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:cVectorMapMapFilter:RestoreMapFromFile Message added: Could not restore the map from file Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:cVectorMap:RestoreFromFile Message added: Failed to restore map instance Exception raised in: En Rvea0254:VectorMapClass:RestoreInstanceFromFile Message added: Could not open a vector map from data file Exception raised in: Rvea0334:cVectorMap:OpenDataFile Message added: Could not insert a Vector map from file 'Oli_Tot_V02' to the hierarchy Exception raised in: Rvea0334:cHierarchyInsertionFromFile:InsertFromFile Message added: There was a problem with the insertion Exception raised in: WAsP:cWorkspaceController:ExecuteHierarchyInsertion Message added: The insertion was not successfully completed Exception raised in: WAsP:cMemberPopupMenuMediator:ProcessInsertionFromMenu The roughness information was imported through a shape file made of polygons and the roughnes lengths were included directly in WME. I´ve tried check for issues in the WME, and when I open the file I do get a warning about "Curves with missing or invalid height/land cover properties encountered" but I can´t find them in the display window. Any advice on how to approach this? Kind Regards, Lidia N
  12. Hello! I was trying to do some calculation for wind farm and the area around it is very rugded (i'm getting some RIX's over 10 % and I can't calculate a resource grid) so I thought I'd use the CFD terrrain analysis to do so but I keep getting an 'Automation error'. It is my first time using any CDF based software so, how can I go about it? Kind Regards, Lidia
  13. Thank you so much, it worked! I actually simplified the code even more, I'm not great at programming so I tried to use only the stuff I understood, I'll leave it here in case it proves useful to anyone: import xarray as xr # Open the NetCDF file using xarray DS = xr.open_dataset(r'input-file.nc') # Convert the data to CSV DS.to_dataframe().to_csv('output-file.csv')
  14. + I also have NetCDF files but I still don't know how to work with them.
  15. Hello! I want to use some reanalysis data from CDS API (Copernicus), but I´ve only found it in NC or GRID files, I don't know how to convert it into a file type that Climate Analyst 3 can read. Could someone tell me how? Or perhaps where I can find the data already in a txt file. I'm currently looking for information in central Spain. Thank you 🙂 Lidia N
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